COMSOL Conference 2024 Home Boston Travel Important Dates for Presenters at the COMSOL Conference May 17 Early Bird Abstract Submission Submit your abstract by this date to qualify for the reduced registration rate. June 21 Final Abstract Submission Last day to submit abstracts. Abstract submission ...
The deadline for abstract submission is on Dec. 1, 2024. Please click the button to submit an abstract online before the deadline. If you have already made an abstract submission, we thank you. 欢迎向2025国际显示技术大会(ICDT)投稿,投稿之前请先阅读“投稿指南”。摘要投稿截止日期为2024年12月...
2)Abstract submission The abstract submission for the conference is solely possible via email: 3)File name: Session#-Your full name-country-university-preferred type of presentation-paper title (or 3-5 keywords in the title)-submission date.doc ...
Submit Reset Note: Please find Registration fees of this conference at For queries please contact at Email: General : 0044-2033180199 35 Ruddlesway, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 5SFConference...
The abstract submission deadline for the 2nd International Conference on Architecture across Boundaries (AAB 2024) has been extended to October 30, 2023. Please submit your abstract through the Easychair platform: https://easy...
Abstract Submission The conference has a limited number of oral presentations because of single track sessions. Therefore, limited number (max. 18) of abstracts submitted in the first deadline will be selected fortalks. Other accepted abstracts at the 1st or 2nd deadline will be selected as...
we will organize special issue for the conference in advances in applied energy, applied energy, energy and international journal of refrigeration. high-quality submission to the conference will be recommended to these journals f...
Abstract submission opens for ICN 2015 Conference in SeoulSteven LewisHealthcarepapers
Due to the overwhelming demand from the TB community, we have re-opened the abstract submission portal to receive "late breaker" abstracts. Please note the new deadline listed below. Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract showcasing the great work you, your program/team, your...
Submit Reset Note: Please find Registration fees of this conference at For queries please contact at Email: General : 0044-2033180199 35 Ruddlesway, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 5SFConference...