ahighlexicaldensity,frequentnominalizations(noungroups)andtheuseofthepassivevoice.Mainsectionsofacademictexts Abstract •• IMRD IntroductionMethods ••• Results DiscussionReferences Abstract • Function:providesasummaryofthearticleorreport • ...
10.2. Estrogen Activity of Animal Farming Waste Although the equol-enriched bovine milk production seems to be desirable from the human-nutrition point of view, the estrogen character of equol cannot be ignored, as it is excreted in surplus also in the urine and feces of the dairy cows. The...
The national liquid sanitation program is increasingly demanding an increase in the rate of wastewater treatment to protect the environment on the one hand andKhnaijer, BtissamQOUTBANE, AnassCherkaoui, EssediyaKHAMAR, MohamedNounah, Abderrahman...
Over the last few decades, the standard of living and particularly the health conditions of the population of the town of Tiflet has undergone a major transformQOUTBANE, AnassCHERKAOUI, EssediyaKHAMAR, MohamedNOUNAH, AbderrahmanSocial Science Electronic Publishing...