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Singh, Recent trends in metal alkoxide chemistry, in Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, K. D. Karlin, Ed. (Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 1997), vol. 46.Mehrotra R C,Singh A.Recent trends in metal alkoxide chemistry.. 1997R. C. Mehrotra and A. Singh, "Recent trends in metal alkoxide chemistry,"...
SCHWARZ, H.CheminformEller, K. and Schwarz, H. 1990. Trends across the periodic table - a screening of the gas- phase chemistry of d-block transition-metal ions with isocyanides. Chem. Ber., 123: 201-208 and references 1 therein.
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TRENDS IN METAL SPECIATION AND DISTRIBUTION WITHIN MINE WASTES AS A FUNCTION OF PARTICLE SIZEResults demonstrate that many heavy metals are highly concentrated in the finer grain size fractions, often by over an order of magnitude, increasing their mobility, reactivity, and bioavailability by ingestion...
TRENDS IN METAL CONCENTRATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS AS A FUNCTION OF PARTICLE SIZE IN MINE WASTESFrom these analyses we can identify relationships between metals and particle size by examining their trends and associations and infer how this may relate to the environment. In addition, through the ...
Metal Hip ImplantsMDLMass TortsRecallProduct LiabilityWhen the latest generation of metal-on-metal hip implants arrived in the United States, orthopedic surgeons told patients the devices would last a lifetime. Saldoi:10.2139/ssrn.2455816Davis, Alexander C...
SSRN Electronic JournalPonsford M (2010) Wild versus farmed fish: metal concentration and biomagnification trends in the food web of a chinese reservoir. BSc Honours Thesis, Department of Biology, Queen’s University at Kingston, Kingston, ON....
ChemInform Abstract: New Insights and Trends in Transition Metal Ion Electron Paramagnetic Resonanceanalytical chemistry, reviewApplication of the well-known formula which describes the net absorption of microwave radiation between two states, i and j, leads to a number of valuable new insights for ...
ChemInform Abstract: Exploiting Redox Activity in Metal—Organic Frameworks: Concepts, Trends and Perspectivesdoi:10.1002/chin.201637179D.Sch.M.Sch.D'AlessandroSch.WileyCheminformD'Alessandro, D.M. Exploiting redox activity in metal-organic frameworks: Concepts, trends and perspectives. Chem. Commun. ...