1、Abstract Algebra: An Introduction 【作者】: Thomas W. Hungerford 【出版物信息】: Cengage 【简介】: 本书适合初次接触抽象代数的本科生,设计灵活,适合各种长度和不同复杂程度的抽象代数课程,从传统的抽象代数课程到更偏向应用的课程。这本书围绕两个主题展开:算术和一致性...
作者:Hungerford, Thomas W.; Leep, David;/Thomas W. Hungerford 出版社:Cengage Learning 副标题:An Introduction 出版年:2012-7 页数:616 定价:$ 351.37 ISBN:9781111569624 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 Abstract Algebra的创作者· ··· Thomas...
This is the second edition of the introduction to abstract algebra. In addition to introducing the main concepts of modern algebra, the book contains numerous applications, which are intended to illustrate the concepts and to convince the reader of the utility and relevance of algebra today. There...
Algebra, AbstractThis is a high level introduction to abstract algebra which is aimed at readers whose interests lie in mathematics and in the information and physical sciences. In addition to introducing the main concepts of modern algebra, the book contains numerous applications, which are intended...
Abstract Algebra: An Introduction 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 93 作者: TW Hungerford 摘要: c,,) a E 1) (mod I) a + I R/I I + J I] 2W3] Z[i] or ZN—T] @Zlxl N22 ABSTRACT IllBEBRIl An IntroductionTHIRD EDITION THOMAS W. HUNGERFORD Saint Louis University ; 1; BROOKS/...
The goal of this textbook is to be a source for a first undergraduate course in abstract algebra. Topics progress from the structure of mathematical proof, to groups, fields, and then rings.
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The second volume continues the course of study started in Volume 1, but may be used independently by those already possessing an elementary knowledge of the subject. A summary of basic group theory is followed by accounts of group homomorphisms, rings, fields and integral domains. The related ...
The all concepts and operation includes at least:Magma, Quasigroup, Monoid Semigroup, Group, Ring, Field, Module, Vector space, Algebra over a field, Associative algebra, Lie algebra, Lattice,Boolean, algebra... However, to complete the introduction of Abstract Algebra is quite simple, just sp...
The notes about abstract algebra. tex代码: %% LyX created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing. \documentclass[oneside,…