Related to absorption:absorption costing,Absorption of Light ab·sorp·tion (əb-zôrp′shən, -sôrp′-) n. 1.The act or process of absorbing or the condition of being absorbed. 2.A state of mental concentration. [Latinabsorptiō, absorptiōn-, fromabsorptus, past participle ofabsorb...
Current Opinion in Structural BiologyGeorge GN. 1993 X-ray absorption spectroscopy of light elements in biological systems. Current Opinion in Biological Systems 3 , 780–784.George GN (1993) X–ray absorption spectroscopy of light elements in biological systems. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 3: ...
The process by which incident light energy is converted to another form of energy, usually heat. Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved absorption[əb′sȯrp·shən] (biology) The net movement (trans...
Dunaliella sp. (formerly D. salina MACC/C43) was batch-cultured under blue (BL), red (RL), or white light (WL) provided by light-emitting diodes (LED) and
According to the intensity of the light falling on the atom, the atom will absorb a photon and excites, this process is known as a probabilistic event. Even without knowing the principle behind stimulated emission, Einstein in 1917, presented the thermodynamic arguments, which contains three types...
ABSORPTION POLARIZATION PROPERTIES OF LIGHT〢DAPTED BACTERIORHODOPSIN IN THE 266–620nm REGION 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 29 作者:JM Fukumoto,M. A. El㏒ayed 摘要: Summary form only given. Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is a retinal protein membrane present in bR Halobacterium salinarium that...
(medicine) The loss and reassimilation of bone (or other) material. Absorption The imbibing or reception by molecular or chemical action, of radiant energy; the process of being neutrons being absorbed by the nucleus; interception. The absorption of light, heat, electricity, etc. Resorption The...
Related to absorption:absorption costing,Absorption of Light 1. The totaldemandfor all goods andservicesin aneconomy. One calculates the absorption by adding thevalueof all goods and services produced and consumed locally to that of allimports. ...
The maximum photon (quantum) efficiency of photosynthesis was also independent of PFD, with a mean value of 0.12 mol O2 mol-1 photon. The chlorophyll a-specific light absorption cross-section ranged from 3 to 6×10-3 m2 mg-1 chl a and was lowest at low PFDs due to intracellular self-...
Absorption happens when an object takes in the energy of a wave. What is an example of absorption of light? The color of plant leaves is an example of absorption of light. Plant leaves absorb all colors of the visible light spectrum, but reflect green light. This is the color that we ...