Actually, different factors, such as drugs, alcohol or intestinal resection and gastrointestinal disorders modulate vitamin absorption. Water-soluble vitamins are mainly impacted by a competitive mechanism for their transport. Fat-soluble vitamin absorption is highly dependent on the lipid absorption, and,...
The molecular mechanisms of fat-soluble vitamin intestinal absorption remain partly unknown. The purpose of this article is to recall the main steps of the fat-soluble vitamin (i) digestion and (ii) membrane transport in the enterocyte, emphasizing the link that exists between these pathways and ...
Genes and intestinal absorption of lipidic microconstituents (fat-soluble vitamins, carotenoids and phytosterols) [Gènes et absorption intestinale des microconstituants lipidiques (vitamines liposolubles, caroténoïdes et phytostérols)]Borel, P.a b c...