absolute指的是绝对的数值,没有和其他东西做对比。 第二张图的A是tracking risk。这是追踪大盘/benchmark所产生的风险,是和大盘/benchmark作比较的,故为relative。 ---努力的时光都是限量版,加油!添加评论 0 0 1 回答 0 关注 206 浏览 我要回答 关注问题 相关问题 证书课 CFA Level I CFA Level II CF...
The article has used the CBDS database of the National Toxicology Program to study the difference between absolute risk and relative risk model for interspecies and intersex preditions of cancer risk. For no combination of tumor and site is the prediction good for all chemicals. The variation ...
Imagine deciding whether to take a medication to reduce the chances of an illness. Ideally, this decision involves understanding different types of risk. These include knowing your absolute risk for the medical condition and the relative risk reduction if you take the medication. How many people ne...
AbsoluteRiskandRelativeRisk Whatareabsoluteandrelativerisks? Absoluteriskofadiseaseisyourriskofdevelopingthediseaseoveratime-period.Weall haveabsoluterisksofdevelopingvariousdiseasessuchasheartdisease,cancer,stroke, etc.Thesameabsoluteriskcanbeexpressedindifferentways.Forexample,sayyouhave a1in10riskofdevelopinga...
relative risk A relative risk means it’s a bit risky, whereas an absolute risk means it’s definitely risky的同义词
Figure 6. The difference between relative risk and absolute risk. We’re intentionally belaboring the point that you should seriously question the validity of virtually any study and its implications. It’s all too human to look at the problem and think that we have to act now, we have to...
For an informed consent, patients must be impartially informed about the advantages, disadvantages and alternatives of the intervention of interest. This data should be presented in a neutral manner and without preconception to respect the autonomy of th
Comments on scientists Nicholas Wald and Malcom Law's study of the effectiveness of Polypill in preventing heart attacks and strokes. Differences among relative risk reduction, absolute risk reduction and number-needed-to-treat...
The concept of the threshold of therapeutic intervention as a function of the absolute risk is introduced. The definitions of relative risk and absolute risk are then recalled; in the case of absolute risk, only prolonged observation of a cohort combined with multivariate statistical analysis can se...
According to most prescriptive decision rules, formally equivalent methods of communicating risk information should have identical effects on risk-taking behavior, even if the pertinent displays are different. The present work takes two methods commonly employed in epidemiology, incidence rates and relative...