A kind of pluralistic hope for the ultimate good of all should have little meaning for anyone who puts their trust in the one God: Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. For many Christians, a kind of wishy-washy feel-good universalism is the only version of any kind of all-encompassing...
and [bok] meaning, in this case, come under (the other’s) dominion. Thus,bok jongconnotes more than mere following, but a submission that allows no gap or discordance.
Criminals that destroy innocent lives can reduce the value of their own lives below zero, meaning that their deaths would make the world a better place. Doing something great, something that makes life better, increases the value of your life. Time is part of Life. If you waste someone’s...
It was given on July 15 2018 without any reference to the uncertainty. Certainly the Model Run provided the necessary uncertainty values, but the implication of the PREDICTION was just the opposite. It is Standard Practice in many fields to show both probability and un...
This short book is definitely worth a read or listen. A compilation and edit of many of the most important interviews Oprah's hosted, full of insight on how to find meaning in and make the most of your one precious life. Enlightened and spiritual, this book is just the uplift we need ...