absolute monarchy n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a monarchy without constitutional limits. Compare constitutional monarchy Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014Want...
An absolute monarchy is a form of government in which a single person—usually a king or queen—holds absolute,autocraticpower. In absolute monarchies, the succession of power is typically hereditary, with the throne passing among members of a ruling family. Arising during theMiddle Ages, absolute...
aAbsolute monarchy(君主) is a monarchical form of government where the monarch exercises ultimate governing authority as head of state and head of government, thus wielding political power over the sovereign state and its subject peoples. In an absolute monarchy, the transmission of power is two-...
求翻译:Absolute monarchy(君主) is a monarchical form of government where the monarch exercises ultimate governing authority as head of state and head of government, thus wielding political power over the sovereign state and its subject peoples. In an absolute monarchy, the transmission of power is ...
Absolute monarchy is a system of government in which the authority of running a state is granted to a king under the principle of divine right. In divine right the ruler claims that authority has been granted by God or some other higher spiritual power. The absolute monarch's word was the...
The first alternative to the constitutional model of Absolute Monarchy was developed in England, a country that never had a written constitution, but rather one which had evolved incrementally and wasdoi:10.1007/978-3-319-11803-1_11Bruno Aguilera-Barchet...
Absolute Monarchy: In an absolute monarchy, a king or queen holds absolute power over the government and all aspects of society. While there are few -- if any -- absolute monarchies today, this system of government ruled Europe for centuries. ...
Following the fall of Roman power in the west, the birth of modern Europe saw the rise of new forms of government. In the Middle Ages, one of these types was known as an absolute monarchy.Answer and Explanation: In an absolute monarchy, a king or queen rules with total and complete ...
aConstitutional monarchy(君主立宪制) is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the parameters of a written (i.e., codified), unwritten (i.e., uncodified) or blended constitution. It differs from absolute monarchy in that an absolute monarch serves as the sole...
absolute monarchy noun 语法 A state over which a sole monarch has absolute and unlimited power. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-卢森堡文字典 absolut Monarchie form of government in which the monarch has absolute power wikidata 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ absolute monarchy "自动翻译成 卢森堡文 ...