This strategy is recommended if there are flags from the instrument, such as immature granulocytes, blasts, and abnormal scattergram in the Sysmex XE-2100, which indicate a failure to classify leukocytes.35,36 Another important question regarding the ANC is whether the ANC can be used as a ...
We compared the performances of Sysmex XN and XE-2100 in umbilical cord blood (CB) specimens.In 160 CB specimens, complete blood count (CBC) parameters and white blood cells (WBC) differentials were compared between the two analyzers. Their flagging performances for ...
Although absolute white blood cell count (WBC) and percentage of circulatory blasts are recognized as important predictor of disease prognosis among PMF patients [30], in the recent years, other WBC subsets (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and basophils) and their ratios (neutrophil-to-lymphocyte...