经济学概念解析:绝对优势(Absolute Advantage)和比较优势(Comparative Advantage) 一、绝对优势(Absolute Advantage) (一)什么是绝对优势? 绝对优势是个人、公司、地区或国家在单位时间内以相同数量的投入生产更多商品或服务的能力,或每单位时间生产相同数量的商品或服务的能力。与竞争对手相比,投入更少的时间。绝对优势...
absolute advantage是指当一方(一个人,一间公司,或一国)生产时所付出的生产成本比另一方低,这一方...
绝对优势(劣势)和比较优势(劣势)[absolute and comparative advantage (or disadvantage)] 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 答:(1)绝对优势指可以用较少量的投入生产物品的一种生产率方面的优势。绝对优势比较的是生产一种物品所需要的投入量,一个可以用较少量投入生产物品的生产者被称为在生产这种物品上有绝对优势。
2007-04-10 00:29:59 补充: To be MBA and Master in Econ.比如生产Country A and Country B Country A 生产电脑既时候同 Country B 既比例系 1:0 就系 Absolute advantage 但如果Country A 生产电脑既时候同 Country B 既比例系 2:1.5 就系 Comparative advantage 参考: Myself ...
Absolute advantage refers to the superior production capabilities of an entity, while comparative advantage is based on the analysis of opportunity cost.
【初与张】AP Economics Micro微观经济PPF,Opportunity Cost, Comparative Advantage和个人交易价格的确定 71 -- 6:51 App 经济爆米花-Econ Popcorn 第三集 Absolute Advantage And Comparative Advantage 120 -- 42:21 App Best of Rosa for Absolute Beginners (Spain Spanish) 132 -- 10:14 App 9.1 - (...
Absolute advantage is focused on the advantage of cost, while comparative advantage is based on opportunity cost. Also, absolute advantage provides more benefits in trade than comparative advantage. Comparative advantage occurs when a product can be produced more efficiently than other people, ...
Absolute Advantage 比较优势理论Absolute Advantage & Comparative Advantage In economics, the principle ofabsolute advantagerefers to the ability of a party (an individual, or firm, or country) to produce more number of a good product or service than competitors, using the same amount of resources....