Brisbane river lies right at the base of the Kangaroo Point Cliffs Check out the scenic views of the river and skyline from up high! This activity is a great test of skill for beginners and experienced abseilers alike Head down the cliffs alongside a qualified professional to guide you ...
Riverlife Adventure Centre: Naval Stores Kangaroo Point Cliffs Drive, Kangaroo Point QLD 4169, Australia Save to wishlist HK$ 507 Abseiling can be anything from a cliff face to a building or a bridge at Story Bridge Adventure Climb! Abseiling makes rappelling one of the most versatile adventure...
活動介紹 暮光之城繩降體驗為您的繩降冒險增添了新的刺激。每週五和週六,您都可以從空中重新探索布里斯班獨特的夜生活。 繩降是垂直下降的受控下降。該定義有兩個重要部分:受控和垂直。它也被稱為速降,來自法語單詞 rappeler。 深吸一口氣,跨過 25 米高的懸崖邊緣,在城市燈光閃爍的背景下穩步開始下降。令人驚歎、合...
Brisbane river lies right at the base of the Kangaroo Point Cliffs Check out the scenic views of the river and skyline from up high! This activity is a great test of skill for beginners and experienced abseilers alike Head down the cliffs alongside a qualified professional to guide you ...
Meet at location 1hr 30min Duration Riverlife Adventure Centre: Naval Stores Kangaroo Point Cliffs Drive, Kangaroo Point QLD 4169, Australia Save to wishlist NZ$ 108.05 Abseiling can be anything from a cliff face to a building or a bridge at Story Bridge Adventure Climb!
Riverlife Adventure Centre: Naval Stores Kangaroo Point Cliffs Drive, Kangaroo Point QLD 4169, Australia Save to wishlist ₹ 5,402 Abseiling can be anything from a cliff face to a building or a bridge at Story Bridge Adventure Climb!