ASA树脂是丙烯酸酯类橡胶体与丙烯腈、苯乙烯的接枝共聚物,与ABS相比,由于引入不含双键的丙烯酸酯橡胶取代丁二烯橡胶,因而耐候性有了本质的改变,比ABS高出10倍左右;而其他力学性能、加工性能、电绝缘性、耐化学腐蚀性与ABS相似。 用ASA树脂加工的制品,不用喷漆涂装、电镀等表面防护,可直接在户外使用,在日光下暴晒9~15...
主营商品:tpv垫圈、聚酮pok、耐磨lcp、物填充、超韧pom、挤出abs、poe鞋类、聚丙烯、安全帽、通用abs、耐热asa、PA66、填充PP、PC、PC/ABS、PA6、PPA、PC加纤 进入店铺 全部商品 18:41 f** 联系了该商品的商家 15:27 t** 联系了该商品的商家 15:26 k** 联系了该商品的商家 13:37 m** 联系了该商品...
Tensile Strengthkg/cm2 ( MPa)ASTM D-638 ( ISO527)23℃ 440 (43) 彎曲強度 Flexural Strengthkg/cm2 ( MPa)ASTM D-790 ( ISO178)23℃ 700 (69) 彎曲模數 Flexural Modulus kg/cm2 ( MPa) ASTM D-790 ( ISO178)23℃ 23000 (2260)
上海晖航新材料有限公司长期还供应ABS 以下 通用塑料,工程塑料,热塑弹体,热固性塑料等。 锦湖KUMHO ABS Grade Characteristics Flammability IZOD Impact strength Heat distortion temp(HDT) Melt Index 用途 HFA 703 High Rigidity 510 16 76 60 阻燃级、高刚 HFA 707 General Purpose 420 22 76 120 阻燃 ...
ABS FRP ASA 天线罩顾名思义是用来保护天线系统免受外部环境影响的结构物。它在电气性能上具有良好的电磁波穿透特性,机械性能上能经受外部恶劣环境的作用。室外天线通常置于露天工作,直接受到自然界中暴风雨、冰雪、沙尘以及太阳辐射等的侵袭,致使天线精度降低、寿命缩短和工作可靠性差,这个时候您需要一个天线罩来保护...
Which kind of ASA plastic should I look out for?At OKW we offer two kinds of ASA for our enclosures: either ASA (UL 94 HB) or the blend ASA+PC-FR (UL 94 V-0) with PC (polycarbonate) for extra strength.We’ve been offering ASA+PC-FR for quite some time now. It’s the ...
FEATURES: 1. Goodcomprehensive performance, high impact strength, chemicalstability, good electrical properties. PC/abs 2, and 372 plexiglassfusion good, made of two-color plastic parts, and can be surfacechrome plating, spray paint treatment. 3. High Impact Resistance,high heat resistance, flame ...
Absoluteblockchainstrength?EvidencefromtheABS marketinChina JingLiu,IlhyockShimandYanfengZheng1 Abstract Blockchain,atypeofdistributedledgertechnology,hasbecomeabuzzword inthepastdecade.Itspotentialtochallengecurrentbusinesspracticessuch asfinancialtransactionshasbeentoutedorcriticisedbynumerous ...
35 ultrahigh-strength steel, 36–37 wear-resistant steels, 36 high-performance steels, 31 hydrogen in, 24 lead in, 24 low-alloy steels, 29–31 manganese in, 20, 22 microalloyed steels, 30 molybdenum in, 22 nickel in, 22 niobium in, 23 nitrogen in, 24 phosphorus in, 21–22 rare earth...
Overall, ABS-PC samples have 5.2% lower compressive strength after UV-B irradiation (58.60 MPa vs. 61.81 MPa; F = 33.8, p = 4 × 10−4) while samples subjected to UV-C radiation have 6.5% lower compressive strength than those in the control group (57.82 MPa vs. 61.81 MPa; F = ...