它是通过计算机程序来延伸、扩展ABS、ASR的功能。ESCisasystemthatusestheinformationfromdifferenttypesofsensors(oneofthosetypesisthewheelspeedsensor),analyzethestatusofvehicle,andifnecessarytakesactionstostabilizethevehicle.Thisisdonebybrakingaparticularwheelwhichresultsinaforcethatcompensatesthecriticalmovement.Page3 ...
系统标签: abs wheel sensor waveform 工作原理 magnetoelectric ABS的组成和工作原理workingprincipleABSNormally,ABSordinarybrakingsystemelectroniccontrolunit(ECU)adding,ABSwheelspeedsensor,brakepressureregulatingdevicebrakingcontrolcircuit,composedfollowingfigure.Brakingprocess,ABSelectroniccontrolunit(ECU)wheelspeedsensorsigna...
ABS 的组成和工作原理 The composition and working principle of ABS Normally, ABS is in ordinary braking system on the basis of the electronic control unit (ECU) for adding, ABS wheel speed sensor, brake pressure regulating device and braking control circuit, composed of the following figure. Brak...
development histor y and structure ,and the working principle of ABS analysis ,it introduces the ABS system o f electronic control par tof the composition an d principle of the whee lspeed sensor ,hydrauli c control device structure and principle ,as wel l as to the ABS threshold contro l...
Fig.2.1 wheel speed sensor 2.3.2ABS ABS控制器由电子控制单元(J104)、液压控制单元(N55)和液压泵(V64)等组成。 1.电子控制单元(ECU) 电子控制器是ABS的控制中心,它实际上是一个微型计算机,具有运算功能,所以又常称为ABS电脑。 电子控制单元由输入电路、数字控制器、输出电路和警告电路组成。其主要功能就是接...
abs wheel speed sensor is usually by the composition of the brake pressure regulator device, electronic control devices, and abs warning lights such as the abs system the brake pressure regulating device structure and working principle is often different, electronic control device of internal struct ...
Keywords:automobile;anti—lockbrakesystem;wheelspeedsensor 0引言 汽车车轮防抱死系统(Anti-LockBrakeSystem,简称ABS系统)是在车辆紧急制动时能自动调节车辆的 制动力,防止出现车轮抱死现象,从而能够达到最佳制 动效果和保持在制动中良好的行驶稳定性,避免交通 事故的产生.ABS系统中轮速传感器的作用就是实时 监测每个...
Operating principle The active sensor is a proximity sensor with integrated electronics that is supplied with a defined voltage from the ABS control unit. A multipole ring can be used as an impulse wheel while at the same time being integrated in a sealing ring of a wheel bearing. Inserted ...
This paper introduces in detail the anti-lock braking system basic composition, working principle, fault, ABS maintenance method, which includes the ABS system maintenance method for pressure relief, ABS system computer replacement, the wheel speed sensor adjustment, hydraulic control device maintenance,...