ABS polymer material is used as raw material for the parts produced by FDM process. Therefore, this work mainly focused on various mechanical properties of parts made of ABS and manufactured by FDM process. The ABS specimens are prepared as per ASTM standards. These specimens are tested for ...
abs材料分析外文 材料分析 本产品的成型工艺采用注射成型,产品材料为:乳白色ABS,即丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯共聚物。ABS是由丙烯腈、丁二烯、苯乙烯共聚而成的。这三种组合各自的特性。使ABS具有良好的综合力学性能。丙烯腈使ABS有良好的耐化学腐蚀及表面硬度,丁二烯使ABS坚韧,苯乙烯使它有良好的加工性和染色性能。ABS...
Mechanical Properties of ABS Plastic The overall toughness offered by ABS materials is the prime mechanical property that prompts most users to select ABS for their applications. The standard measure of impact strength used for ABS is notched Izod impact strength, as measured by ASTM D256A. Depend...
The proportions of each monomer can be adjusted to produce different grades of ABS, each providing different mechanical properties. For example: More acrylonitrile results in more polar bonds formed between nitrile chains to increase the strength. More styrene provides increased rigidity and a shiny ...
The quasi-static and fatigue properties of Fused Deposition Modelling ABS parts are largely influenced by the quality of the interconnection between adjacent tracks and layers. During this process, coalescence of the interconnection is obtained through he thermal energy of the deposited material and buil...
There is huge variation in cost of a component, 3D printed in ABS material, depending on the selection of (1) FDM printer (2) ABS filament material & (3) process parameters value. In this work, we have attempted comparative study of mechanical properties of components printed on low cost,...
However, the mechanical properties of the recycled ABS are deteriorated. Hence, this work aims to study the mechanical properties of blend virgin and recycled ABS. The first sample started with 100wt% of virgin ABS. While the second to eleventh samples was a mixing of virgin and recycled ABS...
werepreparedbymeltblending theABScopolymerswithSAN2Tresin.Effectsofrubberparticlesizeonmechanicalpropertiesandmorpholo2 gyofABSresinswerestudied.Itwasfoundthattheimpactstrengthincreasedwiththerubberparticlesizein2 creasing.Whentherubberparticlesizewas320nm,thetensilestrengthwasthelargestandthecomprehen2 sivepropertiesof...
and aspecial cinnamon flavor. 2 Mechanical Properties ABS has excellentmechanical properties, its impact strength is very good, can beused at very low temperature; even if the ABS products can only bedamaged by tensile damage rather than impact damage, this is theABS high toughness realism. ABS...
表1ABS的力学性能 1) Tab1MechanicalpropertiesofABScopolymer 实验部分1 1.1实验原料 聚丁二烯胶乳(PBL),固含量57%,吉化公司合 成树脂厂中间产品;丁苯胶乳(SBRL),固含量31%, 吉化公司有机合成厂中间产品;苯乙烯和丙烯腈为聚 合级,吉化公司有机合成厂生产;其它试剂为化学纯。 1.2ABS的合成 将适量的去离子水、...