The ABS could fill the gaps using combined administrative data... The first step to filling any gaps would be to find any records from the combined registrations of Tax, Medicare and Centrelink administration systems that appear to be missing from the Census... The administrative data would ...
Sort By:PopularityAlphabeticallyFilter by:Country/Region:Category: We have found12more results forABS Translation Find translations ofAnti-lock Braking System Select a LanguageBengali / বাংলাFrench / françaisGerman / DeutschHindi / हिन्दीKannada / ಕನ್ನಡMal...
the loneliest city in America, based on Census Bureau data showing that 48.6% of households in the city consist of just one person, the highest share of any city with a population of at least 150,000. Nationwide, the study said, solo living has increased as people wait longer for ...
Sort By:PopularityAlphabeticallyFilter by:Country/Region:Category: We have found12more results forAbs ABSAnti-lock Braking System Technology Automotive ABSAustralian Bureau of Statistics Governmental Census & Statistics ABSAcrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene ...
U.S. Bureau of CensusSpecializationMarket competitionKnowledge spilloversUrban developmentCitiesFirm growthFirm sizeKnowledge transferRecent theories of economic growth, including those of Romer, Porter, and Jacobs, have stressed the role of technological spillovers in generating growth. Because such knowledge...
Country/Region:Worldwide Popularity: Abdominals (Abs) are the muscles around your stomach area. Share Sort By:PopularityAlphabeticallyFilter by:Country/Region:Category: We have found12more results forAbs Translation Find translations ofAbdominals
Our empirical work is based on unique plant level data that links the 1997 and 2002 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component with the 1992, 1997, and 2002 Census of Manufactures. These linked data provide information on employer-provided insurance and productivity. We find that health ...