Of course, under the rubric of “German-speaking” is also obligatory mention of Jewish immigrants, many were revolutionaries escaping from the failed German March Revolutions after 1848, so one here in America can escape this cultural spoiler, and any mentions have to be in the most positive,...
This study, based on the human ecology framework, hypothesized parental involvement and conflict and open communication have an effect on regular alcohol use, but will not have as strong an influence as religious faith and participation. Secondary analysis of a health-risk behaviors survey collected ...
Brady M: Historical and cultural roots of tobacco use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Aust N Z J Public Health. 2002, 26 (2): 120-124. Article PubMed Google Scholar Ivers RG: An evidence-based approach to planning tobacco interventions for Aboriginal people. Drug Alcohol...
awhat is one of the cultural differences that might annoy americans 什么是也许使美国人困恼的其中一文化差异 [translate] aer hat noch mehr probleme ausser magen darm probleme, er hat beinschmerzen, rheuma und so weiter 我的父亲有胃问题,您和好喝茶反对胃痛 [translate] a她在这个办事处工作已有5年...
"Buy, Lobby or Sue: Interest Groups' Participation in Policy Making: A Selective Survey." In: E. Brousseau and M. Glachant, editors. New Institutional Economics: A Guidebook. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.Spiller, P.T., and S. Liao. 2006. "Buy, Lobby or Sue: ...
Spiller, P. et S. Liao, 2006, "Buy, lobby or sue: Interest groups' participation in policy making - A selective survey", NBER Working Paper 12209.Spiller, P.T., and S. Liao. 2008. "Buy, Lobby or Sue: Interest Groups' Participation in Policy Making: A Selective Survey." In: E....
2015. "Errors in Survey Reporting and Imputation and Their Effects on Estimates of Food Stamp Program Par- ticipation." Unpublished Manuscript.Meyer, B. D. & Goerge, R. (2011), `Errors in survey reporting and imputation and their effects on estimates of food stamp program participation', US...
“Pension Portability and Labor Mobility: Evidence from the Survey of Income and Program Participation.” Journal of Public Economics 50 (February 1993): 299–323.Gustman, Alan L. and Thomas L. Steinmeier, "Pension Portability and Labor Mobility: Evidence from the Survey of Income and Program ...