华速3D打印机批发家用桌面大尺寸250mm高精度工业雕塑三维打印机 复购率: 36% 深度验厂 ¥3799.05 成交4笔 深圳市 奥创三维3D打印机工业级大型尼龙ABS碳纤维高精度恒温免调平厂家 复购率: 0% 4年 ¥2.0万 成交41笔 广州市 一米3d打印机大尺寸工业级printer车壳高精度字壳金属设备fdmX20 复购率...
一米3d打印机大尺寸工业级printer车壳高精度字壳金属设备fdm 洛阳点维电子科技有限公司5年 月均发货速度:当日 河南 洛阳市涧西区 ¥19800.00成交74台 奥创三维工业级3D打印机大型恒温高精度ABS尼龙碳纤维大尺寸厂家 广州市奥创三维科技有限公司4年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
One of the best 3D printer guides available online. We did a lot of effort in creating the top 3D printer list for you.
This printer is also compatible with many slicing software, such as Repetier-Host,Cura, Replicator G, andSimplify3D. The second feature is its heated bed. This 3D printer can offer printing with ABS material because of its aluminum build plate. It has the highest extruder temperature of 500o...
Supplier Homepage Products 3D Printer Filament Making Mahcine Others 3D Printer Filament Making Mahcine Mini 1.75mm PLA ABS PETG 3D Printer Filament Making Machine for Lab Related Categories Plastic Production Line Plastic Pipe Machinery Plastic Rolling Machinery Direct D...
ABS 3D printer PLAPAPETG Characteristics Materials to be printed ABS, PLA, TPU, PETG, PA, PC, ASA Technology FDM Applications prototyping Other characteristics high-speed, high-performance, desktop X travel 260 mm (10.24 in) Y travel 260 mm...
China leading provider of ABS 3d Printer Filament and Dual Color 3D Printer Filament, Dongguan Dezhijian Plastic Electronic Ltd is Dual Color 3D Printer Filament factory.
4. 3D打印机的优势 与传统的制造方法相比,3D打印机具有许多优势。3D打印机可以节省时间和成本。由于它的打印过程非常快速和精确,可以大大缩短制造周期。3D打印机可以减少浪费。传统的制造方法可能需要大量的原材料,而3D打印机可以根据需要添加适量的材料,减少了浪费。3D打印机还可以根据实际需求进行定制生产,满足个性化需...
ABS 3D printer filament brings the best of raw strength and temperature resistance to create a reliable, tough material. You should be using ABS for car interior parts like phone mounts and cup holders, as well as cosplay props that need sanding and finishing. ABS is the material of choice ...
3D printer filament making machine: 1. FLD 3D printer filament production line can be heated up to 380 ° C, it is suitable for all kinds of 3D printer filament materials, such as ABS, PLA, PA,PC,PETG, PEEK materials and so on. 2. FLD 3D printer ...