英皇-钢琴考试曲目,初级(全9首,2023-2024)【小安要弹琴】/ Initial Grade (All 9) ABRSM Piano Exam 359 0 01:30 App 【The Past Within】绣湖 Rusty Lake 779 0 02:11 App 【任奫灿/Yunchan Lim】录音|舒曼-《奉献/Widmung》with 韩在民(250106) 5.8万 18 02:36 App 催眠术钢琴(メズマライザ...
【Chopin】Nocturne Op.9 No.2/肖邦/钢琴/我尝试玩一下/F Piano 3万 28 2:11 App 捣蛋猪主题曲 - Ilmari Hakkola 2207 2 6:15 App 李斯特超技练习曲 降雪 - Transcendental Etude No. 12 Chasse-neige - CW Chung 931 2 5:16 App 斯卡伯勒集市 - Kyle Landry 783 -- 5:23 App 俄罗斯方块变奏曲...
【 初级Initial英文曲目:】 【 鋼琴(Grade 1)一级英文曲目:】 【 鋼琴(Grade 2)二级英文曲目:】 【 鋼琴(Grade 3)三级英文曲目:】 【 鋼琴(Grade 4)四级英文曲目:】 【 鋼琴(Grade 5)五级英文曲目:】 【 鋼琴(Grade 6)六级英文曲目:】 【 鋼琴(Grade 7)七级英文曲目:】 【 鋼琴(Grade 8)八级英文曲...
在Apple Music 上收听ABRSM的《Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Abrsm Grade 1》。2024年。48 首歌曲。时长:41 分钟
Piano2017&2018Piano 2017&2018 GRADE1 THREEPIECES:onechosenbythecandidatefromeachofthethreeLists,A,BandC: COMPOSERPIECE/WORK/ARRANGERPUBLICATION(PUBLISHER) 1J.C.BachAriainF,BWVAnh.II131PianoExamPieces2017&2018,Grade1(ABRSM) 2Anon.Canaries,arr.WattsPianoExamPieces2017&2018,Grade1(ABRSM) ...
ABRSM: Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, ABRSM Grade 2 PF Sheet Music:C¥109 ABRSM: Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, ABRSM Grade 3 PF Sheet Music:C¥118 ABRSM: Piano Scales & Arpeggios, ABRSM Grade 1 PF Sheet Music:C¥59 New.ABRSM: Music Theory Practice Papers 2024, ABRSM Grade 5...
·ABRSM官方 发布最新一期2023&2024钢琴考纲,包含初级(Initial Grade)至8级,共9个级别的考试曲目。与往年不同,本次新考纲将采用新旧结合的方式,A、B、C每个组别各自… 阅读全文 赞同 2 添加评论 分享 收藏 我宣布!这是我心中英皇成绩单翻译的天花板!
青豆妈妈STELIA创作的音乐有声书作品ABRSM Piano Grade,目前已更新21个声音,收听最新音频章节Gavotte in F。
Good morning one and all! Continuing my journey to learn all the ABRSM Grade 1 pieces. I usually practice for about a month before recording. Here is a Gavotte in C Major by Handel. Working on slurs, lifting my fingers and wrist off the piano, dynamics, and trills. I felt like my pl...
Graduated from Wuhan Conservatory of Music in China with a Bachelor's degree in Music Education, I have over 20 years of experience in teaching piano and music theory. Since 2004, I have been teaching ABRSM piano and theory courses, during which most of my students who took the Grade 5 th...