虽然ABRSM官方说可以光脚踩钢琴踏板,但除非孩子实在无法适应穿鞋的演奏,否则应该当和其他线下演出和比赛同等对待,穿着得体这点仪式感还是要有的。 3)提前准备好performance form,如果横屏录制就准备横版的表格,这样可以保证比较清晰地展现出表上曲目和顺序。 4)保证房间整洁,光线充足,即使白天也可以开灯。找好拍摄角度...
英皇官方对于证件展示环节的要求本意 (2)展现节目单(Show your completed programme form),建议到英皇官网(www.abrsm.org)下载可在电脑上填写的PDF最新版本。曲目信息直接从考纲中复制粘贴即可,考生号/身份证号(Candidate/National ID)估计会被用来辅助查询是否已获乐理5级证书(报考6级以上时),不必与先前展示的证件一...
Exam Materials,ABRSM: Performance Grade Exams by Ellena Taylor Build performance skills with ABRSM’s newest exam! Performance Grades are digitally assessed exams that focus entirely on performance. They bring the essential performance skills of communication, interpretation and storytelling to a regulated...
stop the performance of a piece when they have heard enough to form a judgment. Examiners will not issue, or comment on, a candidate’s result; instead, the mark form (and certi cate for successful candidates) will be issued by ABRSM after the exam. ...
stop the performance of a piece when they have heard enough to form a judgment. Examiners will not issue, or comment on, a candidate’s result; instead, the mark form (and certi cate for successful candidates) will be issued by ABRSM after the exam. ...
Hello, my name isYang, Xincanand I am taking grade 6 piano exam. This is my passport: And this is my programme form: I am going to play the following pieces from ABRSM2021 to 2022 pianosyllabus: Allegro, the 4th mov. from Sonata No. 8 in C major by Pescetti, A1 ...
Hello, my name isYang, Xincanand I am taking grade 6 piano exam. This is my passport: And this is my programme form: I am going to play the following pieces from ABRSM2021 to 2022 pianosyllabus: Allegro, the 4th mov. from Sonata No. 8 in C major by Pescetti, A1 ...
Hello, my name isYang, Xincanand I am taking grade 6 piano exam. This is my passport: And this is my programme form: I am going to play the following pieces from ABRSM2021 to 2022 pianosyllabus: Allegro, the 4th mov. from Sonata No. 8 in C major by Pescetti, A1 ...