虽然ABRSM官方说可以光脚踩钢琴踏板,但除非孩子实在无法适应穿鞋的演奏,否则应该当和其他线下演出和比赛同等对待,穿着得体这点仪式感还是要有的。 3)提前准备好performance form,如果横屏录制就准备横版的表格,这样可以保证比较清晰地展现出表上曲目和顺序。 4)保证房间整洁,光线充足,即使白天也可以开灯。找好拍摄角度...
美帝的Performance Grade每月都有一次,2021年1月报名的2月提交录像,2月报名的3月提交录像,以此类推。 我们是2月初报名,8级的考试报名费是221美元,录像的Due Date,也就是Exam Day是3月2日晚8点。Exam Day是你能提交录像的最后截止时间(所以他们精确到了小时),考官会在这个时间点过后开始评估你的录像。你早交...
Exam Materials,ABRSM: Performance Grade Exams by Ellena Taylor Build performance skills with ABRSM’s newest exam! Performance Grades are digitally assessed exams that focus entirely on performance. They bring the essential performance skills of communication, interpretation and storytelling to a regulated...
(s) entered by me asffectively as possible accept that neither the ABRSM nor HKEAA shal l be responsible for any nonerformance of duties where such non performance has been caused by an act ofod, labour strike, natural disaster, governmental action or intervention( riot) or anyther cause ...
Candidates may be entered for an exam at any age. Candidates for Practical Grades 1 through 5 may be entered without previously having taken any other grade. The syllabi for each individual grade can be found here. There are nine grades of examination in Music Performance and eight grades in...
ABRSM system allows parents to reposition themselves and make it clear that the goal of their children's education is not to cope with the exam, but to cultivate their children's interest and lasting love for music. 03 INTEN...
一、【Performance Private Teacher 器乐演奏常规一对一教学老师】 1. 具有五年以上教学经验,能够根据ABRSM英皇考级大纲,灵活教授乐器演奏(一对一)或乐理课(一对一或二至四人小组课)。 2. 现需以下音乐专业老师:钢琴、声乐、小提琴、大提琴、古典吉他、英皇考级乐理。
从2022年3月开始,就连本来以全面考察综合音乐素养为特色的ABRSM英皇考级,也即将面向中国大陆开展线上纯演奏考试(Performance Grades);其中,过去在线下考试中常被专业人士们所推崇的听力、视奏等环节都不再是考核范围,甚至连音阶琶音也不需要了。本文将结合近期的录制实例,来梳理一下英皇线上演奏考试/考级的注意事项(...
stop the performance of a piece when they have heard enough to form a judgment. Examiners will not issue, or comment on, a candidate’s result; instead, the mark form (and certi cate for successful candidates) will be issued by ABRSM after the exam. ...
• Listen closely to the Cello in isolation to hear every detail of the expert performance. • Repeat tricky passages by setting loops around them. Perfect for helping you develop confidence and fluency in your playing! Cello Practice Partner comes with one example piece from Grade 4 of the...