ABRSM 考試網上報名指引 從2021年開始, ABRSM 所有考試報名將會改成在ABRSM 網頁報名而不是在考評局網頁報名。 報名日期、費用和考試日期可參考以下網址: *ABRSM已宣報由2022年8月開始, 所有...
这可以是老师、学校或其他机构的工作人员、家长、年满18岁或以上的考生。我们把为考试报名的人称为考试“申请人” 。 报名前 查看相关的线上演奏考级考纲或ARSM考纲 查看报名时间、考试日期和费用 ...
Exam dates and fees. Entry forms are available upon request from your nearest Local Representative. Or may be downloaded here. Please ensure that you complete and return two copies. Of your completed exam entry form to your Local Representative. Practical, ARSM and Theory Entry Form. This w.....
A theory exam means that you are tested on your written musical knowledge. They generally last about 1 ½ hours and are on a set date three times a year. When are the exams? The exam dates vary every year. For up to date information on application deadlines and exam dates for Shangha...
Exambooking:Detailsofexamdates,venues,feesandhowtobookanexamareavailable onlineat.abrsm/exambooking. Instruments Thissyllabusisonlyappropriateforthestandardclassicalinstrumentttedwithnylonstrings (guitarswithacutawaybodyarepermitted).Candidatesmayuseacapoatthe2ndor3rdfret ...
Exambooking:Detailsofexamdates,venues,feesandhowtobookanexamareavailable onlineat.abrsm/exambooking. Instruments Thissyllabusisonlyappropriateforthestandardclassicalinstrumentttedwithnylonstrings (guitarswithacutawaybodyarepermitted).Candidatesmayuseacapoatthe2ndor3rdfret ...
examination dates or within two weeks after the examination dates. Candidate Entry Information Checklists For the Practical Examinations, “Candidate Entry Information Checklist” will be sent by post to the applicants for checking in late February and in late May for the April/May administration and...