“abreast of”的意思是“保持了解,跟上(最新情况或发展)”。这是一个常用于描述某人或某组织努力保持对某个领域或话题最新发展了解的
“keep abreast of”和“with”在英语中的区别主要体现在含义、用法以及语境适用性上。总的来说,“keep abreast of”特指跟上某事物的进度或保持与某事物同步,而“with”则是一个功能多样、更通用的介词,可以表示多种关系。 一、“keep abreast of”的含义与用法 “keep...
His car was abreast of the leading car. Young people always keep abreast of the times. Brooks was abreast of the leading runner for a few minutes but then fell behind. Even this arrangement did not keep wages abreast of the rising living cost. We must be abreast of what is going on. ...
abreast of “abreast of”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 1. 保持与...并列 相关词语 abreastof
abreast of基本解释 并驾齐驱;保持与…并列 分词解释 abreast并列,并肩地 猜你喜欢 booking office(车站、剧院等的)售票处 home office(大写)(英)内务部 microsoft office办公软件 ms office一级 no offense无意冒犯 office depot欧迪办公 office furniture办公家具 offer letter报价书 box office mojo票房统计网站...
keep abreast of with与...并进, 跟上, 不落后于 相似单词 abreastadj. 1. 并列的,并排的,并肩的 2.(使)与…齐头并列(常与 of 或with连用) 3. 了解最新发展的(of);通晓新近发展的(with),与…新近发展并进的;赶得上,使不落后于 最新单词 ...
📚新短语:Keep abreast of 📖在考研英语真题中,发现了一个新短语"Keep abreast of",意思是"了解...的最新情况"。👀例如,"Keep abreast of the latest advancements in science" 可以翻译为"跟上科学的最新进步"。💡这个短语非常实用,可以帮你更好地理解和学习新知识。加油!💪...
abreast adverb or adjective ə-ˈbrest 1 : side by side with bodies in line lined up three abreast 2 : up to a standard or level especially of knowledge keep abreast of the times More from Merriam-Webster on abreast Nglish: Translation of abreast for Spanish Speakers Last...
国学知识竞答 诸子百家 中国智慧源头 四大名著 中国文学巅峰 精品测试 汉程倾情打造 心理测试 心理问题自测 56个民族 全民族一家亲 传统节日 五千年的传承 24节气 人类智慧结晶 历史朝代 古今朝代演变 婚恋情感 完美八字合婚 住宅布局 详解家运布局 中国戏曲 ...
It is also important to liaise with organisations that monitor illegal activity on the web to keep abreast of new security issues . 同样重要的是,要与那些监控web上不法行为的组织保持联络,以便了解最新的安全问题。 These enable them to remain abreast of problems in various locations using spare cap...