A city known for its wickedness, which God plans to destroy due to its sinfulness.4. IntercessionThe act of Abraham pleading with God to spare the city if righteous people can be found there. Teaching PointsThe Power of IntercessionAbraham's dialogue with God shows the importance and power ...
Refers to God, who is in dialogue with Abraham. This interaction highlights God's willingness to engage with humanity.3. Sodom and GomorrahThe cities that are the subject of God's impending judgment, prompting Abraham's intercession.4. IntercessionThe event of Abraham pleading with God to spare...
. ." She was pleading, as if her daughter had protested. Her words had trailed off, her eyes darting around nervously. The lizards on the walls carried tales. "How different from here can life be there? You'll feast at Christmas, fast for Lent . . . church on Sundays. The same ...