While the name is thus not "Hebrew" in origin, it made itself thoroughly at home among the Hebrews, and to their ears conveyed associations quite different from its etymological signification. "Popular etymology" here as so often doubtless led the Hebrew to hear in 'abh-ram, "exalted father...
Origin:Hebrew Meaning: Father Of Nations #Biblical#Politician#Surname ♥ Add to my Namelist What is the meaning of the nameAbraham? The name Abraham is primarily a male name of Hebrew origin that meansFather Of Nations. Abraham Lincoln, U.S. President ...
An indepth look at the meaning and etymology of the awesome name Abraham. We'll discuss the original Hebrew, plus the words and names Abraham is related to, plus the occurences of this name in the Bible.
Abram [ ey-bruhm ]show ipa noun an earlier name of the Biblical Abraham. a male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning “exalted father.” Abraham [ ey-bruh-ham, -huhm ]show ipa noun the first of the great Biblical patriarchs, father of Isaac, and traditional founder of the ancient...
noun the first of the great Biblical patriarchs, father of Isaac, and traditional founder of the ancient Hebrew nation: considered by Muslims an ancestor of the Arab peoples through his son Ishmael. a first name: from a Hebrew word meaning “father of many.”Discover...
According to the Holman Bible Dictionary, " His personal name meant "father of a multitude.” The first Hebrew patriarch, he became known as the prime example of faith. He was the son of Terah, a descendant of Noah's son, Shem. (Genesis 11:27 ). His childhood was spent in Ur of ...
(Origin Hebrew) The father of a great multitude, taken from the Biblical personal name.Surname Variations: Abram, Abrahamer, Avraham, Abramsky, D'Abramo, Brahms, Abrahamsson, Abramovitz, IbrahimSource: An Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names With an Essay on their Derivation and...
name of Abraham in the magical spells have no more meaning than potent abracadabra words. That is why to Gee a white stone with several magical words on it becomes a seer stone as in DC 130:10-11. That is why he freely interprets the lion-couch vignette and the magical spells ...
The original and proper form of this name seems to be either "Abram" or "Abiram" (I Kings, xvi. 34; Deut. xi. 6), with the meaning, "my Father [or my God] is exalted." The form "Abraham" yields no sense in Hebrew, and is probably only a graphic variation of "Abram," the...
Indeed, Abraham was the first believer to announce G-d’s Name in the world; so what happened in the Akeda that revealed that Abraham was fearing G-d? Understanding this means understanding the meaning of fearing G-d, this issue being the leitmotiv throughout the whole parasha and it is...