Maslow thinks there are five kinds of human needs, with each one being more important than the preceding one. I hope that you've found his ideas interesting, and in our next lecture we'll mainly discuss the practical implications of his theory. [考点] 本题的设题点在形容词最高级处 [精...
马斯洛(Abraham Maslow)的需要层次论(Hierarchy of needs theory) (1) 生理需要:维持自身生存,饥、渴、衣、住、性的要求。 (2) 安全需要:保障自身安全、摆脱威胁、避免侵袭的需要,可以把科学和人生观看成是满足安全需要的一部分。 (3) 感情需要:友爱,即伙伴之间、同事之间的融洽;爱情,希望爱别人,也渴望接受...
theory of needsAbraham Maslow was an American psychologist known primarily for his formulation of the hierarchy of needs used to account for the motivation and expression of personality. The hierarchy of needs, organized from lowest and most powerful to highest and least powerful, consisted of the ...
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory centers on five areas which, when fulfilled, will motivate the individual. Which of the following is not one of the five areas?Abraham Maslow的需求层次理论着重于五个领域可以激励个人(如果得到实现的话)。以下哪项不属于这五个领域? A. Self-actualization...
Free Essay: Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs When one thinks of what families do for each other, they will most likely think of care. More specifically...
亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(Abraham H. Maslow,1908年4月1日—1970年6月8日)是美国人本主义心理学家主要发起者,著名社会心理学家,第三代心理学的开创者,提出了融合精神分析心理学和行为主义心理学的人本主义心理学,其中融合了其美学思想,被尊称为”人本主义心理学之父“。他
maslow´s hierarchy of needs Abraham Maslow´s Hierarchy …:亚伯拉罕的需求层次马斯洛马斯洛… 热度: ´a theory of human motivation´ by abraham maslow:马斯洛亚伯拉罕的“人类动机理论” 热度: 亚伯拉罕-马斯洛的丰硕成果 露丝-考克斯 热度:
Free Essay: Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow, organizing humanities most basic needs. (Martin and Joomis,...
Maslow’s Hierarchy You are probably quite familiar with Abraham Maslow’s work – a theory in psychology, written in a paper published in 1943, which set out five fundamental human needs and their hierarchical nature. Maslow studied what he called exemplary people such as Albert Einstein, Eleano...
The Implication of Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory to 热度: ´a theory of human motivation´ by abraham maslow:马斯洛亚伯拉罕的"人类动机理论" 热度: Abraham Maslow The Needs Hierachy 热度: ABRAHAMMASLOW By:LatheesShanmuganathan ...