(Abraham H. Maslow,1908.4.1~1970.6.8),美国著名社会心理学家,第三代心理学开创者,提出了融合精神分析心理学和行为主义心理学的人本主义心理学,于其中融合了其美学思想。他的主要成就包括提出了人本主义心理学,提出了马斯洛需求层次理论,代表作品有《动机和人格》《存在心理学探索》《人性能达到的境界》等。1968年...
Maslow. The new "Third Force" of humanistic psychology sought to address the reductionism and narrowness of psychoanalysis and behaviorism. At the same time, humanistic psychology sought to rediscover pathways beyond conforming and social adjustment toward self-actualization, personal fulfillment, and the...
Abraham Maslow was a psychologist and the founder of the school of thought known as humanistic psychology. Perhaps best remembered for his famous needs hierarchy, he believed in the basic goodness of people and was interested in topics such as peak experiences, positivity, and human potential. In...
Learn about Abraham Maslow's contribution to psychology and the humanist movement. Understand why humanistic theory is Abraham Maslow's major contribution. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents What Is Abraham Maslow Best Known for? What Is the Humanistic Theory of Maslow? Lesson Summary ...
Abraham Maslow Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) is known as the Father ofHumanistic Psychology, a school of thought that focused on the potential of the individual and his need for growth and self-actualization. It is based on the fundamental belief that people are innately good, and that deviating...
PBS.Abraham Maslow, 1908-1970. Robbins BD.The joyful life: An existential-humanistic approach to positive psychology in the time of a pandemic.Front Psychol. 2021;12:648600. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.648600 Maslow, A.Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper; 1954. ...
Brandeis Univ. (1951–69). A leader in the school of humanistic psychology, Maslow is best known for his theory of human motivation, which led to a therapeutic technique known as self-actualization. His influential works includeMotivation and Personality(1954) andToward a Psychology of Being(...
Answer and Explanation: Abraham Maslow was born in New York, New York on April 1, 1908. His parents had emigrated from Russia, and Maslow as one of seven children in the... Learn more about this topic: Abraham Maslow Humanistic Psychology & Theory | Who was Abraham Maslow?
Maslow Abraham (1908-1970) American psychologist and member of theHUMANISTIC MOVEMENTin psychology, who developed a theory of motivation which was based on ahierarchy of needs (Motivation and Personality,1954). He proposed that human needs can be categorized as: physiological, safety, love and belo...
Answer to: Abraham Maslow was a: a. trait theorist b. psychodynamic psychologist c. humanistic psychologist d. social-cognitive theorist By...