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} }//////Checks if the UserAgent is known to interpret an unknown value as Strict.///For those the<see cref="CookieOptions.SameSite" />property should be///set to<see cref="Unspecified" />.//////<remarks>///This code is taken from Microsoft:///
} }//////Checks if the UserAgent is known to interpret an unknown value as Strict.///For those the<see cref="CookieOptions.SameSite" />property should be///set to<see cref="Unspecified" />.//////<remarks>///This code is taken from Microsoft:///
String scheme) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AuthenticationMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context) at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Tracing.AbpCorrelationIdMiddleware.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next) at Microsoft.Asp
Mozilla Firefox (comprising Firefox for mobile) Google Chrome Internet Explorer Microsoft Edge (beta version) Opera Safari Yandex Browser Android In 2011,AdBlock PlusandEyeoinvolved in substantial controversy from its users when it launched an "Acceptable Ads" program to "allow certain non-intrusive ad...
// but pre-Chromium Edge does not require SameSite=None. // Notes from Thinktecture: // We can not validate this assumption, but we trust Microsofts // evaluation. And overall not sending a SameSite value equals to the same // behavior as SameSite=None for these old versions anyways. if...
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没有这个cookie的话abp的ajax就发送不了requestverificationtoken这个http请求头了,这样,当我提交post、delete或者put等http方法时就会报错:缺少requestverificationtoken这个请求头。 现在终于找到了解决方案: 首先需要参考的是 Breaking changes in .NET Core 3.1 -
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