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There are five carbon pools in the terrestrial ecosystem involving above-ground biomass, below-ground biomass, the dead mass of litter, woody debris, and soil organic matter [10]. The above-ground biomass of a tree constitutes the majority of the carbon pool. This is the most essential and ...
In the Restricted Traffic Zone (RTZ) taxis, public transport, motorcycles, and vehicles with a permission pass are allowed; in the Odd-Even Zone (OEZ) vehicles depending on their plate termination number are allowed. Simulations of 4-h, with different origin-destination (OD) tables and scaling...
The introduced method is a proposal for detecting spaces (links) and times (90 s periods) where the average speed is below the desirable, and for selecting vehicles in those spaces and times so that vehicles are systematically and gradually reduced from one simulation to another until we get ...
strongly related to the instantaneous carbon metabolism demand and long-term carbon storage, respectively. Hence, analyses of the NSC concentration and its subdivided pools of constituents will help understand how the carbon regulation strategy shifts between storage and growth in response to habitat ...
and n = 20 for beech global equation). According to Sullivan et al. [28], stratified sampling should produce smaller prediction error for larger sample pools. In the third step, the models (Equations (1)–(3)) were fitted to input data and outlying samples were removed based on 95% con...