Tropical terrains predominate in the western part of the Himalayas, and subequatorial terrains in the east. The Indo-Gangetic Plain is an alluvial lowland falling in altitude to the southwest and southeast. The western part of the plain, the Indian Punjab, is the part most divided by erosion....
Climate. Most of Indochina has a subequatorial climate; south of 10° N lat., it is equatorial. Seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation, as well as monsoon circulation of air masses, are noted under subequatorial climatic conditions. In the lowlands the average January temperature ra...
Sergei Yutkevich's biographical drama Lenin in Paris chronicles the life of Russian communist leader Vladimir Lenin during his time in Paris from 1909 to 1912. The film offers a rare glimpse into the formative years of one of the most influential figures in the history of communism, while als...
the Australian languages still show many similarities. All of them inflect the noun, some having as many as nine cases. The verb lacks a passive voice. Postpositions are used instead of the prepositions typical of Indo-European languages. Most of the Australian languages have three markings for...
The snake showcases 161 – 184 ventral scales, 41 – 52 sub-caudal scales, 17 – 19 dorsal scales running mid body and 17 – 25 scale rows that persist around the hood. The species also preys upon rodents, frogs and other smaller reptiles. Indo-Chinese spitting cobra (Naja siamensis) ...
Along with Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro ("Mound of the Dead Men") was one of the Bronze Age civilizations of the Indus River Valley from before the time when the Aryan Invasions might have occurred. SeeHarappan Culturefor more on Mohenjo-Daro as well as Harappa. ...
To reduce to a position of subservience or submission. bring to terms To force (another) to agree. bring up the rear To be the last in a line or sequence. [Middle English bringen, from Old English bringan; see bher- in Indo-European roots.] bring′er n. Usage Note: The differenc...
of the Horus Heresy, a splinter fleet from the Salamanders Legion was lost in the warp. This fleet, carrying a group of battle-brothers, was believed to have been consumed by the tides of the Immaterium. In truth, they were cast into a hellish realm, where time bent and reality ...
* Numismatic Note: This coin circulated around the time of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is from the area far east in the Indo-Scythian Kingdom in Northern India. This type of coin could have been carried by the Magii that went to see Jesus from the east. Gold, frankincense, and myrr...
Every time I look at them, I wonder what it feels like to be on a buddy-buddy level like that with Stallone, but Statham is an action God in his own right so now I feel like, of course Statham, who else? He's really great at everything he does. Action Movies never give credit...