2. 打开注册表窗口之后,打开以下路径: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel 3. 右键新建“DWord 32 位值”,将其名称命名为“{2cc5ca98-6485-489a-920e-b3e88a6ccce3}”,数值修改为 1 图源:uwinpc 视频截图 4. 关闭注册表,应该就会生效,如果不行尝试刷新...
2. 打开注册表窗口之后,打开以下路径: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel 3. 右键新建“DWord 32 位值”,将其名称命名为“{2cc5ca98-6485-489a-920e-b3e88a6ccce3}”,数值修改为 1 图源:uwinpc 视频截图 4. 关闭注册表,应该就会生效,如果不行尝试刷新...
微软面向 Windows 11 发布了 KB5034848 更新,用户安装之后发现主屏幕上多了个“Learn about this Images”图标,这个新图标看起来像一个小相机,这个小图标是为了帮助用户了解当前壁纸的相关背景信息。基本上,如果你看到一张非常酷的 Spotlight 背景图片,并想了解更多关于它的信息--比如它是在哪里拍摄的,或者它描述了...
Genuine versions of Windows are published by Microsoft, properly licensed, and supported by Microsoft or a trusted partner. You'll need a genuine version of Windows to access the optional updates and downloads that help you get the most from your PC. ...
Upgrades to Windows 11 will begin to roll out late in 2021 and continue into 2022. During this time, we will be doing some behind-the-scenes testing and validating for your specific PC. Windows Update will provide an indication if and when your PC is eligible. You can check by going to...
Does Windows 11 take up more space on my PC than Windows 10? No. Windows 11 and Windows 10 require approximately the same amount of disk space. During the upgrade process, however, extra space is required. Windows will clean up this extra disk space about 10 days after the upgrade is co...
IT之家 3 月 7 日消息,微软日前面向 Windows 11 发布了 KB5034848 更新,用户安装之后发现主屏幕上多了个“Learn about this Images”图标,帮助用户了解当前壁纸的相关背景信息。 微软在 Windows 11 更新中在桌面上添加了一个与 Spotlight 图像相关的小图标或快捷方式。
IT之家 3 月 7 日消息,微软日前面向 Windows 11 发布了 KB5034848 更新,用户安装之后发现主屏幕上多了个“Learn about this Images”图标,帮助用户了解当前壁纸的相关背景信息。 微软在 Windows 11 更新中在桌面上添加了一个与 Spotlight 图像相关的小图标或快捷方式。
微软面向 Windows 11 发布了 KB5034848 更新,用户安装之后发现主屏幕上多了个“Learn about this Images”图标,这个新图标看起来像一个小相机,这个小图标是为了帮助用户了解当前壁纸的相关背景信息。基本上,如果你看到一张非常酷的 Spotlight 背景图片,并想了解更多关于它的信息--比如它是在哪里拍摄的,或者它描述了...
After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or security fixes for Windows 10. Your PC will still work, but we recommend moving to Windows 11. Learn more This article describes how to retrieve ...