Gupta Gupta (go͝opˈtə), Indian dynasty, A.D. c.320–c.550, whose empire at its height encompassed much of N India. Ancient Indian culture reached a high point during this period. Gupta paintings adorned the caves of Ajanta, its sculpture embellished the temples of Ellora, and it...
(503–13) they were driven out of Persia, permanently lost the offensive, and were finally (557) defeated by Khosru I. The White Huns also invaded India and succeeded in extending their domain to include the Ganges valley. They temporarily overthrew the Gupta empire but were eventually driven...
The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Ephthalites (White Huns), an association of tribes in the fifth and sixth centuries that formed a state in what is now Middle Asia, Afghanistan, northwestern India, and part of east...
aIndia and China share a long history of mutual co-operation in the fields of education and culture. History will take us back to the days of Fa Hien, the famous Chinese traveler to visited India during the Gupta Empire to learn about the origin of Buddhism in India. We are also ...
Foot archers were a part of the army in the Gupta empire. The archery was used in India until the introduction of firearms by Mongols. 7 Greco Roman Antiquity Archery was practiced by the people of Crete and this led to a high demand for Cretan archers. Alexander the Great included a ...
The first Commonwealth & Empire Law Conference was held in London in 1955. An Executive Committee, comprising representatives from a number of law societies and bar associations across the Commonwealth was responsible for the organization of this first conference....
Indian fashion cults and their peculiarities. The era of kings and queens, the rise of the Mughal empire, the arrival of the British, the nationalist movem
What was government rule like under the Gupta dynasty? What was the type of government did Emperor Hirohito have? What type of government did China establish in 1912? Why did Shi Huang Di outlaw Confucianism? What was the Tokugawa shogunate?
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Deepti Gupta Deeyah Khan DEFECTOR Deidre Mullins Deiondre Teagle Del Shannon Del Toro Films DELIRIUM DELIVERY RUN DEMENTER Demian Fuica Demián Rugna Demmy Ladipo DEMON DEMON BEHIND THE GLASS DEMON EYE DEMON HOST DEMONS AT DAWN DeMorge Brown Denholm Elliott Denis Lyons...