The Electoral College has nothing to do education. "College" in this context refers to an antiquated definition of the word meaning a group devoted to a single goal — namely the election of the president. The founding fathers constructed the system for indirectly electing the president partly ...
Inconvenient Facts About the Electoral CollegeThe Electoral College has its internal logic and mathematics that are not easy to understand in depth. Constitutionally, a person voted for as President in the Electoral College and received any...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-44696-7_4Alexander S. Belenky...
The Electoral College has its internal logic and mathematics that are not easy to understand in depth. Constitutionally, a person voted for as President in the Electoral College and who received any majority of votes from all the appointed electors becom
If there is a tie in the Electoral College or if no candidate receives 270 electoral votes, the House would elect the next president based on the three presidential candidates who receive the most electoral votes, with one vote per state delegation, and the Senate would elect the vice presiden...
There is some great math of ratios and percents here. You can find data and other pertinent information about the Electoral Collegehere. You might also enjoy playing theRedistricting Gamewith your students, where you can “recast” who wins an election based on how you draw the boundaries on...
electoral college,in U.S. government, the body of electors that chooses the president and vice president. The Constitution, in Article 2, Section 1, provides: “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number...
it is possible for one candidate to win the popular vote and the other to win the Electoral College. That means that no matter what your views are, about half the people in the country think differently than you. Help your kids to be prepared when difficult conversations ...
This is the time to talk about the history of our country and what democracy is all about—and this includes the fact that in our country, we allow the people (represented by the electoral college) to choose the president and that we are honor-bound to stick with this decis...
I mean, no one’s even talking about eliminating the Electoral College, are they? So, we keep getting “leaders” unsupported by the country’s majority. Seven “swing states” determine the whole thing reducing the rest of us to mere spectators. We’re left wondering which sock puppet the...