Christopher Bienko covers the Information Management Cloud Solutions portfolio for IBM's World-Wide Technical Sales organization. Over the better part of two years, Christopher has navigated the cloud computing domain, enabling IBM customers and sellers to stay abreast of these rapidly evolving ...
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Agile Portfolio Management Includes limited access toportfolio backlogsandboards. Stakeholders can't change the backlog priority order, can't assign items to an iteration, use the mapping pane, or exercise forecasting. ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ...
The great risk of course is, now that I have these shots, in trying to replicate them I will end up dissatisfied with the results because they will be too thought out and the element of serendipity will be lost, or I’ll go too far the other direction in trying to compensate for the...
the IP portfolio or an interference or reexamination proceeding concerning a patent central to the business operations. Other risks which are not so obvious but may nevertheless need to be disclosed include upcoming expiration of IP rights the company owns or licenses from others or loss of ...
I am a prolific author, with 21 book publications. The portfolio covers technical books, novels in various fiction genres, and several anthologies, including a short story, The Girl with the Flaxen Hair, nominated for the 2014 Sidewise Awards for Alternate History!
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In many cases, the most important component of an application to a writing program is the writing portfolio, writing program experts say. Prospective writing students need to think about which pieces of writing they include in their portfolio and need to be especially mindful about which item they...
I already had a LinkedIn account, which I use on a regular basis, but still found the book very helpful. The author gave examples and explained why it is important to detail and promote your account. Reading this book has motivated me to return to my account and update it to make it ...
It offers traders various leverage limitations based on the product being traded. Here are some examples: Trade TypeLeverage Major currency pairs 30:1 Non-major currency pairs 20:1 Commodities (except for gold and non-major equity indices) 10:1 CFD stocks 5:1 Cryptocurrency CFDs 2:1To ...