亚琛工业大学(RWTH Aachen)官方微博 Ü 简介: 亚琛工业大学(简称RWTH Aachen)位于北莱茵-威斯特法伦州,是德国最负盛名的理工大学之一。自1870年大学成... T 友情链接 亚琛工大驻京办事处 亚琛工业大学 英语授课网申指南 德语授课网申指南 各个专业课程咨询老师 机械专业匹配表格 更多a 100关注 14345粉丝 ...
The group consists of team members located in Leverkusen (Covestro) and Aachen (Institute of Biotechnology at RWTH Aachen University). A unique feature of this special partnership is the intensive knowledge and method transfer within the junior research group, further facilitated by team members spendi...
(TU/e). I lead theComputational Design Systemsresearch cluster. Before that I was awarded aPhDat the Department of Electrical Engineering (TU/e) and another couple of years earlier, I studied Computer Science atRWTH Aachen University. For more information, find a short biobelowor usea longer ...
\(\color{#0b5394}{Talk:}\) I was invited to give a talk on AI in architectural design at the University of New South Wales (July 2024) \(\color{#7ec419}{Software:}\) We published two demo websites for our works on AI-generated design.3D building forms generationand2D residential ...
He also served as Chief Architect for Nokia’s management plane NetAct. Stefan holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from RWTH Aachen.Cumulocity Offices Düsseldorf Marc-Chagall-Straße 2, 40477 Düsseldorf Marburg Software-Center 5B, 35037 Marburg, Germany Cambridge c/o Suite 223-227...
location in the high-tech cluster of Aachen in Germany, a team of specialized software engineers builds highly reliable construction technology. Thanks to close collaboration and continuous exchange with the leading RWTH Aachen University, we have the privilege to work with top talent on fresh ideas...
RWTH Aachen UniversityJens KatelaanTU WienChristoph MathejaRWTH Aachen UniversityThomas NollRWTH Aachen UniversityFlorian ZulegerTU WienSpringer, Berlin, HeidelbergJansen, C., Katelaan, J., Matheja, C., Noll, T., Zuleger, F.: Unified Reasoning about Robustness Properties of Symbolic-Heap Separation...
I now live in Germany, I did a Ph.D. in experimental physics at the RWTH Aachen University working with lasers, semiconductors, and high-frequency electronics. At the moment I am working as a simulation engineer modeling laser sensors and generating synthetic sensor data for self-driving cars’...
Francisco holds a diploma in chemistry from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, and a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the Free University Berlin, Germany. After his Ph.D., he did a postdoc at the Harvard Institute of Medicine, Boston, USA. ...
He holds degrees in business administration from Saarland University, Germany and RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Michael Marquardt Partner, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Business Services Read More Michael Marquardt Partner, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Business Services Michael Marquardt ...