The federal government has also used the holiday to honor non-veterans—the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated on Memorial Day 1922. HISTORY Vault: Military Watch videos on the U.S. military on HISTORY vault. Click Here By: Barbara Maranzani Citation Information Article Title 9 Things You May ...
Memorial Day is more than the beginning of summer; it is a day to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. I hope you can take some time over the weekend to think of those we have lost. Some movies to pay your respects: The Outpostwas on my top ten list for 2020, a movie ...
This will be the first year in about twentythat I haven’t observed Memorial Day weekend – the holiday – in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Many of you who know me are familiar with my interest in history, and in particular, Civil War history. I’m a direct line descendant of three Union ar...
Memorial Day has come to mean the beginning of summer, a time for picnics and barbecues, and a holiday to gather around the family. That happiness and freedom, however, is a product of the real cause for the holiday: the sacrifice made by men and women who have fought and died for the...
The first Veterans Day as a national holiday was in 1954 when Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the proposal to change the name. President Eisenhower was a military veteran, having served in the United States armed forces during the Second World War. Get Smarter on US News, History, and the Const...
The History Channel has a greatMemorial Day site. More Great Sites for Educators Explore Education Worlds reviews of hundreds of Web sites of interest to educators. See our specialBest Sites on the Web for Educatorsarchive. Social Studies for Kids has a good description of the day calledMemorial...
In October 2015, the Documents of the Nanjing Massacre was inscribed on the Memory of the World Register by the International Advisory Committee of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme. "The published documents will expose to the world one of the darkest moments in human history and reveal...
One last thought: Pleasedon’t wait for a particular day to express honorand devotion to the history that has gone before you. No matter what your circumstances,you are here for a purpose. That purpose could never be manifested without people, places and events that have evolved before you ...
Tales about history and much more A memorial to a Roman slave 20 July 2024/Leave a comment During my last visit to Bonn, inspired by reading about the suggested walking trail through the Bonn of late antiquity[i], I went to explore the area of the Romancastra, the legionary fortress. ...
A book was written in 1976 with the history of the library by the late historian Louise Helmreich titledA History of the Public Library in Brunswick, Maine. Though not a municipal department, the library formally serves the Towns of Brunswick (21,836) and Harpswell (5,040)*. In addition,...