Embodied by the ever-gritty Sylvester Stallone, John Rambo slides seamlessly into this story of a tormented Vietnam War veteran adrift and alone, seeking refuge from both his past and present demons. The film's evocative portrayal of heroism shrouded in sadness highlights the tribulations faced by...
In this darkly comedic romantic drama, Pat Solitano, played by Bradley Cooper, must confront his demons and rebuild his life after a stint in a psychiatric facility. His father, portrayed by Robert De Niro, struggles to connect with his son, resulting in a tumultuous, yet ultimately enlighten...
The remix earned Sexyy her first entryon the Billboard Hot 100in June, and nothing has been the same since. The 25-year-old releasedHood Hottest Princessin June, which churned out other blockbuster successes like"SkeeYee"and "Looking for These H*es." Sexyy Red's success undeniable. She'...
Dec 10, 2013 Night of the Demons With Unrated Blu-ray in the US (HD Version in Early 2014) Dec 08, 2013 Carrie [2013] With Alternate Ending on Blu-ray (Too Shocking for Theaters!) Dec 03, 2013 Anchorman 2: Alternate Version Confirmed (Complete Movie With New Gags and Dialogue) ...
This honest, affectionate, coming-of-age drama (starring Logan Lerman, Emma Watson and Ezra Miller) captures the dizzying highs and crushing lows of growing up. The story is of a 15-year-old introvert bright Pittsburgh boy, Charlie, who is fighting old demons and nervous about starting his ...
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rea...
Paranormal romance is one of the more popular subgenres of romance that combines paranormal elements and supernatural themes or characters with a romantic-heavy plot. HEA’s (happily ever after’s) are customary, as are strong, sexy alpha males such as vampires, werewolves, demons, and shifter...
‘s gallery then no doubt he can create something gorgeous following that spirit. Both girls looking adorable and an skirt up just enough to tease Rosalina’s pretty lace panties, no way you are in heaven. Anywaythis commission bring back some old demons; it was all made in a row and...
I have been writing on this site for over 10 years. Now I would like to start writing on other entertainment sites, be it one off article or on a regular basis. This doesn’t mean I am leaving Movie Reviews 101 behind. I just want to make more connections and continue to improve my...
Demons Hide in the Blind Spot One key thing to remember about demons is they hide really really well. If they didn’t then shrinks would starve and be treated like writers. Wow, you’re a psychotherapist? Really? What’s your “real” job? Seriously, people PAY you to listen to their...