【题目】21【题文】 T her e ar e many American expression s about insects -- lik e bees, for exampl e. Bees ar e known as very hard workers. T hey always appear to b e busy, moving around their homes,or hives.So you might say you wer e as busy as a bee if you spent your...
根据第2段"Their study found that air pollution is harmful to pollinators (传花粉者) like bees and butterflies."(他们的研究发现,空气污染对蜜蜂和蝴蝶等传粉媒介有害。)以及第3段"They spread pollen (花粉) among plants with flowers.This helps the flower produce seed and fruit.Without pollinators,...
Te book destroys the cute notion of bees as anthropomorphic icons of busy self-sacr -i fcing individuals and presents us with the reality of the colony as an integrated and independent being—a “superorganism”—with its own, almost eerie, emergent group intelligence. We are s- prised to ...
They have beautiful outdoor spaces for toddlers and preschoolers and a garden where summer camp kids grow vegetables. Inside they were having a special event and activities related to bees. We spent half the day at The Learning Center alone! Inside the greenhouse. The little butterfly hat was ...
The buzzing bees, butterflies fluttering, and dancing fireflies, a closer look at them... 10 Most Effective and Simple Exercises to Keep You in Shape Sports Fitness, as we’ve come to understand, isn’t just about vanity or aesthetic appeal. It’s about embracing an active lifestyle, ...
Bees should be respected-they give us honey,and they do their job either by helping the many vegetables and fruits we eat directly to get the powder(粉) that can make them grow seeds or by providing the food for the animals indirectly.In fact,they are the world's most important powder ...
Whether you've noticed it or not, fewer and fewer bees are around us now.About one quarter of the world's 20,000 bee species(品种) have disappeared since 1990. There are many reasons for that, including too much use of pesticides(杀虫剂), loss of plants and human activities that dama...
The slow pace was conducive to stopping and smelling everything and anything that brushed by Indie’s nose. On each outing, we took in the sights, the scents, and the sounds all around us. We noticed the birds, the rabbits, the trees, the bees. We looked up at the clouds and down ...
to send off (a swarm), as bees do. to throw or set aside; discard or reject; dismiss:He cast the problem from his mind. to throw forth, as from within; emit or eject; vomit. to throw up (earth, sod, etc.), as with a shovel. ...
The quest for gold and the passion for enrichment were causes of numerous colonial and trade wars, and during the period of the great geographical discoveries they stimulated the search for new lands. After the discovery of America the flow of precious metals to Europe was one of the sources ...