This is a point-and-click-ish, rpg-ish, visual-novel-ish game of gigantawesome proportions. Do you have what it takes to have what it takes? If so, everything might turn out elf-ok!• Explore 4 magical, mysterious lands.• Decipher indecipherable crystal visions!• Fight an ...
关于一个精灵About an Elf Meringue Interactive 2022-02-10 6.3- . - 简介 开发/发行 链接 媒体评分6.3评论数不足- . - 与所有精灵中的魔法公主达姆和她不可救药的学徒勇敢的猫罗兰一起,为拯救宇宙而战,对抗恐怖之王和他的邪恶怪物军队。 类型:益智解谜,角色扮演,冒险 ...
关于一个精灵About an Elf Meringue Interactive 2022-02-10 6.3- . - 简介 开发/发行 链接 媒体评分6.3评论数不足- . - 与所有精灵中的魔法公主达姆和她不可救药的学徒勇敢的猫罗兰一起,为拯救宇宙而战,对抗恐怖之王和他的邪恶怪物军队。 类型:益智解谜,角色扮演,冒险 ...
About an Elf 关于一个精灵的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
I have to admit, while I knew going into the game that About an Elf was weird, I wasn’t entirely prepared for the extent of the weirdness. If you’ve ever wanted to play Salvador Dali: the Game, then, yes, About an Elf is definitely for you. ...
About An Elfis a game about an elf who wants to bring about the elftopia. It’s about Princess Dam, who may or may not be a psychopath, and it’s about a cat who wants to have half-cat, half-elf babies, and about another elf who pays Dam gummy bears to tell her stupid stories...
MinigunnerToyboardElf Camp Powergamer4875·2/8/2023in Strategy Talk the best loadout proves itself Can u go any faster with this besides spamming skip? Edit:took 30 health so i could save for cowboy (Edited by Powergamer4875) CommanderDJ BoothToyboardAcceleratorEngineerGolden CowboyFallen Mod...
ELF_LOGFILE_HEADER structure (Windows) WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE structure (Windows) IMbnSmsConfiguration::MaxMessageIndex property (Windows) RASPROJECTION enumeration (Windows) DWordPtrToSSIZET function (Windows) IGameStatisticsMgr::GetGameStatistics Method Create-Session (Windows) ComponentType Object (Windows)...
Elf v2: Dialogue: NPC (Elf Mage),(different from NPC v1):Inside one of the orange treehouses as well. NPC:"I haven't met you before..."(if the player is not an Elf) NPC:"Well,I see that you're searching for power..." Player:"Yes." NPC:"I need 5 Spirit Flowers,come back...
DemoraiScoutan·11/4/2024in General Triumph of All Nights Stuff I took a look at its desc, im kinda scared. Anyone got any good loadouts thatDOESN'T CONTAIN ENGINEER?Not because I dislike Engi, I just don't have her. My loadout currently is the following: Golden Crook, Turret, Range...