By the time Eileen turned 21 (the former voting age, getting the vote to 18-year olds is a whole different blog post), she proudly voted and has voted in every election since. She is one of the most confident people I know and absolutely thrilled to see a woman headed for the White ...
A critical favorite in webcomics circles, It’s About Girls is a romantic comedy about a man called Icon and his circle of friends, which includes a pro wrestler, a girl who runs a porn site, and a college freshman who sometimes fails to wear pants. The new comics will debut on Modern...
Katy plays the hits… Play's 95-minute runtime might not seem incredibly long, but Perry packs a lot of punch into that limited run. The set list is the same every night, and it's packed with all the hits, like "Dark Horse," "I Kissed A Girl" (in which Perry bumps and grinds...
Sure we have the least exciting flag, but a few key insights for me have been: my affinity with other bisexuals (we justgeteach other, weseeeach other); the recognition that my desire does not transcend gender, but rather, is for all the genders (so many! I love them all! So hot!
In case you’ve forgotten, or haven’t been paying attention, the brainy and beauteous Our Girl in Chicago, who has a newjobthat’s keeping her busy all the way from Monday to Friday, is now occupying the “About Last Night” blogger’s chair on weekends, while I devote myself exclusi...
New Girl. Still. Maybe one day he would use her real name. “They said it is an ongoing investigation and they can’t say anything.” Liam put the pen tip in the corner of his mouth. “But there is an investigation. Put that in the story. Run with it.” He chewed on the pen ...
Alex is the sole ISO50 intern here in San Francisco. He’s also a masters student in design at the Academy of Art. He writes mostly about design and brings a student perspective to the blog with his process posts.View all posts by Alex ...
His gritty American boyhood, in which "the greatest accomplishment in life lay in lofting a teds ball to deepest eentre field over the Iink fence at the end of the street; was the one romance he could hold over a women who had sat in Ray- mond Chandler's lap as a girl and had ...
In present day, he’s a famous Bollywood star who must leave his life of wealth and celebrity to help the team repel the new Deviant threat.And finally, Sprite — who appears to be a 12-year-old girl — Sprite has the ability to cast lifelike illusions. Her friendship with Sersi ...
Things that boys love are cooler than things girls love. That is a simple fact. Boys love clever things, cleverly. Girls love foolish things, foolishly. How awful it would be to love things like teenage girls do. How awful it would be to be the wrong kind of fan – a girl. A dumb...