Texas Abortion Laws Drive Women to New Mexico ClinicsFewer residents are getting abortions in New Mexico, yet thenumber of abortions in the state has...Banchiri, Bamzi
Background: Abortion is legal in the District of Columbia at all stages of pregnancy, a status that was upheld in the 1971 Supreme Court case United States v. Vuitch. However, Congress has oversight power over D.C. laws and Congress has already banned the city from using local funds to ...
Portugal andMexico City, decriminalized abortion despite strong opposition from the church, while others, such as Nicaragua, increased restrictions on it. A broadsocial movementfor the relaxation or elimination of restrictions on abortion resulted in the passing of liberalized legislation in several ...
While abortion is legal in many developed countries, it remains prohibited or highly restricted in several others, including the U.S., Poland, Malta, and Ireland. The U.S.is also one of the few countries to have rolled back abortion laws in the last 30 years. The country is joined by...
Where does abortion stand in your state since Roe v. Wade was overturned two years ago? ABC News has a state-by-state breakdown of abortion laws in the U.S.
The mujeres back home are facing serious threats to their reproductive health and rights. Here are some things about abortion law in Latin America that you probably didn't know.
In the year since Roe v. Wade was reversed, New Mexico has emerged as a safe haven for those who provide abortions and those who need them.
In 1969, New Mexico passed a law criminalizing abortion, but thestate legislature repealed itin February 2021. The repeal also removed requirements for parental consent for minors. There's no law protecting abortion in New Mexico, but the overturning of Roe v. Wade doesn't immediately impact ...
Construction of the clinic will draw upon $10 million in state funding that wasset aside by the governorunder a 2022 executive order. New Mexico has one of the country’s most liberal abortion-access laws. Advertisement The announcement comes a month after amulti-city cam...
From 2000 to 2014, Human Life International, a US-based anti-abortion organization, allocated $7.9 million in funds to support grassroots anti-abortion efforts in countries with some of the world’s harshest abortion laws, including Mexico and El Salvador. The organization supports “pro-life acti...