The article discusses recent abortion law reforms in India, specifically focusing on the redefinition of rape. The author highlights the progressive nature of abortion laws in India, which now allow all women, including unmarried women, to have abortion rights up to 20 weeks of pregnancy. The ...
In India, the legality of abortion is ensured through the enactment of various laws. This legal framework has elicited differing perspectives within society. Some view abortion as a significant advancement for female reproductive rights, considering it a boon that provides women with autonomy over ...
New Delhi, July 18 (Ians) The Centre for Justice, Law and Society at Jindal Global Law School, in collaboration with Ipas Development Foundation, has developed “Access to Safe and Legal Abortion: A Handbook on Abortion Laws for Healthcare Service Providers in India”. The Handbook was unvei...
The history and politics of family planning (FP) legislation and abortion legislation in India are described and the incidence of abortion family planning services and abortion mortality rates is discussed. There is a rising number of women having abortions because recent developments encourage a greate...
the establishment of government support for large families, the expansion of maternity homes, child-care centers, and nurseries, the strengthening of criminal penalties for nonpayment of alimony, and several changes in the laws on divorce,” which allowed abortions to be performed only for medical ...
A review is presented of laws governing abortion in various countries throughout the world. The laws are described in terms of five categories with selected countries illustrating each category. While advances in medical science and improved health services have combined to reduce maternal mortality thr...
right to privacy. Reversely Indian apex court mounts the pressure on govt. for strict application of anti-abortion laws. Due to hatred for girl child, the right of woman over her body does not hold much weight in India. So, the Scale of Justice in India tips in favour of unborn child....
Depending on what state they're in and what the local laws are, their case may be reviewed by a clinician in the U.S. working for Aid Access, or by Gomperts herself in Europe. If the person is a candidate for a medication abortion and in a state with abortion restrictions that l...
Women's Human Rights and Migration: Sex-Selective Abortion Laws in the United States and India In Pennsylvania, proposed legislation that would outlaw the selective abortion of children with Down syndrome has met with support from the bishop of state capital Harrisburg, while a similar measure in ...
Report says that, more than 10 women die everyday due to unsafe abortions in India. Reason behind: Backward abortion laws only contribute to women seeking illegal and unsafe options. Initiative taken by the government: The Cabinet has recently approved the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendm...