Totems are non-human species or phenomenon that stand for or represent a group of people. Totems connect people through their physical and kin relatedness. Totems are still important today in Aboriginal culture and are still used as a way of continuing and maintaining connections with the land, ...
In areas where boys undergo the first part of their initiation at a young age, they may be introduced to the stories earlier, and may be told more of the stories associated with their totems and their country. There are some stories that women are not allowed to know, in some cases, ...
AboriginalNamadgiNationalParkfeaturingaKangaroo,Dingoes,EchidnaorTurtles,totemsandstoriesarecreatedusingdots. ThisphotoshowsthepaintingofBaiamemadebyanunknownWiradjuriartistin"Baiame'scave",nearSingleton,NSW.Noticethelengthofhisarmswhichextendtothetwotreeseitherside. ...
feeling and connection with their land. I hope this book will foster a greater understanding amongst non-Indigenous Australians of the significance of Aboriginal connections with country. Such as under- standing is essential if we are to develop better relationships between Indigenous and ...