The number of contacts an index case name in this setting was similar across gender and age groups but there were significant differences in the numbers of contacts named according to health care provider. Of the 88 contacts of chlamydia and/or gonorrhoea patients for whom there is follow-up ...
Note the Name – Koongotema Art Fair, Art Prize, Australia, Blog, Event, Exhibition, Feature, Industry, News, Online1 2 3 Note the Name – Koongotema Queensland’s Minister for the Arts, Leeanne Enoch last night announced Read MoreIS...
In Australia Commissioners from the Australian Human Rights Commission has criticised the tough on crime rhetoric that is infecting Queensland election debate, and the controversial new laws introduced in the NT in May giving the Police Commissioner the power to declare snap, three-day curfews over ...
Adele Chynoweth argues for the historical recognition of the past experiences of institutionalised girls and women at Goodna, the name given to Queensland's largest psychiatric hospital, in the twe...doi:10.1080/1031461X.2021.1907875Coleborne, CatharineAustralian Historical Studies...
5 Wik: this was a decision by the High Court handed down in December 1996 regarding the traditional lands of the Wik people of North Queensland, which was subject to a Pastoral lease, but had not been used for many years for grazing cattle. The people claimed that Native Title had not ...
Queensland“The causes of Aboriginal dementia in Gugu Yimithurr culture is part of a natural process. The body, mind and spirit naturally get older including the brain… It may not need to get fixed as long as the individual is safe and the family and the community is safe there may not...
(Lane et a1 1990) of theory on mining impacts 1 Abbreviations: AIAS - Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies NT - Northem Territory Qld - Queensland WA - Western Australia Figure 1: Landmarks in Aboriginal SIA 52 Opportunities for Aboriginal Participation in SIA mainly incorporated in the ...
•AustralianAboriginalastronomyisanamegiventoindigenous Australianculturerelatingtoastronomicalsubjects—suchastheSunandMoon,thestars,planets,andtheMilkyWay,andtheirmotionsonthesky.BecausetheAustralianAboriginalcultureistheoldestcontinuouscultureintheworld,itisprobablethattheAustralianAboriginalpeoplearetheworld'soldest...
The University of Queensland and Beyond Blue have partnered to deliver culturally responsive sleep health services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescents in Queensland. Project lead Associate Professor Yaqoot Fatima from UQ’s Poche Centre for Indigenous Health said Indigenous teens experience...
Aboriginal people into Queensland towns and cities facilitated the politicisation of many and led to the emergence of more radical organisations like the Black Community Centre, Act Confrontation Committee, Black Panther Party, Aboriginal Legal Service and Black Community Housing Serves to name a few....