Until a referendum allowed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to become citizens, there was scant regard toArticle 2: “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, p...
Claims of linguistic similarities between Dravidian languages of southern India and the Pama-Nyungan language of most of Aboriginal Australia have also been used to suggest a connection between the two regions28. However, the hypothesized connection to India has been stongly disputed65. Redd and ...
«Cities have often been compared to language: you can read a city, it’s said, as you read a book. But the metaphor can be inverted. The journeys we make during the reading of a book trace out, in some way, the private spaces we inhabit. There are texts that will always be our...
Map data was sourced from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (https://webmap.ornl.gov/wcsdown/wcsdown.jsp?dg_id=10003_1). Extended Data Figure 5 Age-depth model for Devil’s Lair, south-western Australia. The age-depth model was generated with OxCal v.4.2...
In West Australian Noongar language, I say kaya wangju – hello and welcome. Australia welcomes the International Year of Indigenous Languages and the focus this past year has brought to the importance of Indigenous languages. Those present at this session today would be aware of the statistics ...
However, this approach did not appear to work in situations where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were talking to non-Aboriginal people. It seemed non-Aboriginal people had difficulty in relating to the language and cultural differences of their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander counte...
1 In the context of my work in heritage protection in the Northern Territory, Australia, I was on a fieldwork trip with members of an Aboriginal group called the Mak Mak Marranunggu to map sacred sites inside the national park. One of these sites they themselves could not approach because ...
These data also comprise small samples (usually <100 individuals) and are often not well provenanced by geography, tribe, or language; they were also tested for a small number of genetic markers only. Given our current understanding of the experience of the indigenous population, both before ...
In Australia, early settler writings from the 1830s to mid-1800s reported congregations of Aboriginal groups from multiple clans and language groups taking advantage of the annual migration of Bogong moths (Agrotis infusa) in and near the Australian Alps, the continent's highest mountain range. ...
Some of the more comprehensive papers provided insight into seating arrangement, reimbursement to participants, and provision of meals. One publication described the seating arrangement as a component to providing a safe environment that allowed the researcher to observe body language and non-verbal cues...