We tried sailing for a while at 2-3kts but the parasailor finally said enough is enough and just went on strike on the basis of no wind, no play. On the way down, it somehow managed to get itself caught up on the end of the spreader and Alsino took a trip up on the bosons cha...
On a more spiritual side (no pun intended) Tiki is revered and honoured with magnificent carvings, statues, masks and ornaments throughout Polynesia and the Pacific. I was fairly ignorant of this and after lots of on line searching for a definitive meaning, settled on something between God and...
Welcome Aboard Meaning “Welcome aboard” is a friendly greeting used by people working on boats, planes, or trains. It’s also commonly used in professional or casual settings to welcome a new person to the group or team. You might also hear someone say “Welcome on board,” which is a...