196 ABNT NBR ISO 12006-2-2018 2018-02-27 Portuguese Building construction - Organization of information about construction works Part 2: Framework for classification 197 ABNT NBR 15480 Vers茫o Corrigida-2018 2018-02-27 Portuguese Road transportation of dangerous goods - Risk management program and e...
框架建筑物第2部分-外部框架 - 要求和分类 Frame for buildings Part 2- External frames - Requirements and classification Part 2- External frames - Requirements and get classification首页 标准 ABNT NBR 10821-2-2017 ABNT NBR 10821-2-2017 发布历史ABNT NBR 10821-2-2017...
196 ABNT NBR ISO 12006-2-2018 2018-02-27 Portuguese Building construction - Organization of information about construction works Part 2: Framework for classification 197 ABNT NBR 15480 Vers茫o Corrigida-2018 2018-02-27 Portuguese Road transportation of dangerous goods - Risk management program and e...