73 ABNT NBR ISO 6888-1-2019 2019-06-06 Portuguese Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species)Part 1: Technique using Baird-Parker agar medium 74 ABNT NBR ISO 19472-2019 2019-06...
61 ABNT NBR IEC 60309-5-2018 2018-07-19 Portuguese Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes Part 5: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability requirements for plugs, socket-outlets, ship connectors and ship inlets for low-voltage shore connection systems (LVSC) 62 ABNT NBR ...
73 ABNT NBR ISO 6888-1-2019 2019-06-06 Portuguese Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species)Part 1: Technique using Baird-Parker agar medium 74 ABNT NBR ISO 19472-2019 2019-06...
61 ABNT NBR IEC 60309-5-2018 2018-07-19 Portuguese Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes Part 5: Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability requirements for plugs, socket-outlets, ship connectors and ship inlets for low-voltage shore connection systems (LVSC) 62 ABNT NBR ...
183 ABNT NBR 7215-2019 2019-02-28 Portuguese Portland cement - Determination of compressive strength of cylindrical test specimens 184 ABNT NBR 16642-2019 2019-02-28 Portuguese Set of semi rigid hose and accessories for fire fighting 185 ABNT NBR IEC/CISPR 32-2019 2019-02-28 Portuguese Electrom...