158 ABNT NBR 15575-3-2013 2013-02-19 Portuguese Residential buildings - Performance Part 3: Requirements for floor systems 159 ABNT NBR 16058 Errata 1-2013 2013-02-19 Portuguese Joias - Tamanhos de an茅is - Classifica莽茫o 160 ABNT NBR 15426-2013 2013-02-19 Portuguese Road vertical signs...
The present study aimed to evaluate the performance of an external vertical sealing system composed of hollow blocks of soil-cement without structural function for social housing, following determinations of ABNT NBR 15575, focusing on the requirements of habitability and sustainability. It was analysed...
Aims to produce a consultation document, the undergraduate and graduate students on luminous performance, based on the ABNT NBR 15575:2008, emphasizing the reality brasiliense through examples of buildings that have some type of control element for natural lighting. Ramble on possible impacts of ...