55 ABNT NBR 15280-2 Errata 1-2016 2016-09-09 Portuguese Dutos terrestres Parte 2: Construo e montagem 56 ABNT NBR ISO 10789-2016 2016-09-09 Portuguese Space systems - Programme management - Information and documentation management 57 ABNT NBR 16540-2016 2016-09-09 Portuguese Natural, cultured...
30 ABNT NBR 15280-2 Emenda 1-2015 2015-12-14 Portuguese Onshore pipeline Part 2: Construction and installation 31 ABNT NBR 15280-2 Corrected version EN-2015 2015-12-14 English Onshore pipelines Part 2: Construction and installation 32 ABNT NBR 15494-2015 2015-12-14 Portuguese Paints for bui...
30 ABNT NBR 15280-2 Emenda 1-2015 2015-12-14 Portuguese Onshore pipeline Part 2: Construction and installation 31 ABNT NBR 15280-2 Corrected version EN-2015 2015-12-14 English Onshore pipelines Part 2: Construction and installation 32 ABNT NBR 15494-2015 2015-12-14 Portuguese Paints for bui...
30 ABNT NBR 15280-2 Emenda 1-2015 2015-12-14 Portuguese Onshore pipeline Part 2: Construction and installation 31 ABNT NBR 15280-2 Corrected version EN-2015 2015-12-14 English Onshore pipelines Part 2: Construction and installation 32 ABNT NBR 15494-2015 2015-12-14 Portuguese Paints for bui...
33 ABNT NBR 15280-2 Vers茫o Corrigida-2015 2015-12-14 Portuguese Onshore pipeline Part 2: Construction and installation 34 ABNT NBR 5356-5-2015 2015-12-14 Portuguese Power transformers Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit 35 ABNT NBR 9603-2015 2015-12-11 Portuguese Hand drilling auger...